Eesti sõjaajaloo aastaraamat 11 (17) 2021/ Estonian Yearbook of Military History 11 (17) 2021

Independence Wars in North-Eastern Europe and Beyond
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Eesti Sõjamuuseumi ja Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastuse koostöös välja antud Eesti Sõjaajaloo Aastaraamat 2021 „Independence Wars in North-Eastern Europe and Beyond” on pühendatud Kirde-Euroopa rahvaste vabadussõdadele.
Aastatel 2019–2021 tähistasid paljud Ida-Euroopa rahvad oma vabadussõdade sajandaid juubeleid. Sel puhul peeti 2019. aastal Tartus Eesti sõjamuuseumi ja Kaitseväe akadeemia koostöös rahvusvaheline Balti sõjaajaloo aastakonverents „Vabadussõjad Kirde-Euroopas ja kaugemalgi. Rahvusvaheline sõjaajaloo konverents tähistamaks 100 aasta möödumist Eesti Vabadussõjast“. Vastilmunud aastaraamatu neli artiklit põhinevad nimetatud konverentsi ettekannetel käsitledes Leedu sõdurite sõjakogemust, Rootsi vabatahtlikke Eesti vabadussõjas, Pavel Bermondt-Avalovi Lääne-Vene Vabatahtliku Armee tegevust Lätis ja Armeenia 1921. aasta veebruariülestõusu.
Lisaks on aastaraamatus veel kaks artiklit, millest üks käsitleb välikohtute ja tšekaa tegevust Eesti vabadussõja ajal ning teine valget ja punast terrorit Kirde-Eestis aastatel 1917–1919. Ingliskeelse và ¤ljaande autorid on pärit Armeeniast, Saksamaalt, Leedust, Rootsist ja Eestist.
Eesti sõjaajaloo aastaraamat on 2011. aastal asutatud eelretsenseeritav teaduskogumik, mida annavad välja Eesti sõjamuuseum – kindral Laidoneri muuseum ja Tallinna Ülikooli Kirjastus. Kogumiku sihtgrupiks on sõjaajalooga tegelevad õpetlased nii Eestis kui ka välismaal ja laiem sõjaajaloohuviliste ring Eestis. Väljaande peatoimetaja on Toomas Hiio.


Toomas Hiio

Vasilijus Safronovas
The War is not Over? On the Continuity and Discontinuity between the Great War and the War of Independence as Experienced by the Lithuanian Soldiers

Lars Erikson Wolke
Idealists or Adventurers? The Swedish volunteers in Estonia in 1919

Thomas Rettig
Pavel Bermondt-Avalov and the Formation of the West Russian Volunteer Army – Warlordism in the Baltic?

Khachatur Stepanyan
1921 February rebellion as a manifestation of Armenian war of independence

Toivo Kikkas
Field Courts Martial, the Cheka and Penal Policy in the Estonian War of Independence in 1918–1920

Ants Jürman
The White and Red Terror in the Eastern Part of Viru County in 1917–1919

Estonian Yearbook of Military History 2021 "Independence Wars in North-Eastern Europe and Beyond", published in cooperation between the Estonian War Museum and Tallinn University Press, is dedicated to the wars of independence of the peoples of North-Eastern Europe.
Between 2019 and 2021, many Eastern European nations celebrated the centenary of their wars of independence. On this occasion, in 2019, an international annual conference on Baltic military history Independence Wars in North-Eastern Europe and Beyond was held in Tartu in cooperation with the Estonian War Museum and the Estonian Military Academy. Four articles of the newly published yearbook – on the experience of the Lithuanian Soldiers, the Swedish volunteers in Estonia in 1919, on Pavel Bermondt-Avalov and his West-Russian Volunteer Army in Latvia and on Armenian 1921 February rebellion – are based on the presentations of this conference.
In addition, two articles are disserting on the activities of the field courts martials and the Soviet Cheka during Estonian War of Independence as well as on the White and Red terror in the Northeast Estonia during 1917–1919. Articles were written by Armenian, German, Lithuanian, Swedish and Estonian historians.
Estonian Yearbook of Military History is a peer-reviewed journal established in 2011, which is published by the Estonian War Museum - General Laidoner Museum and Tallinn University Press. The journal is aimed toward scholars researching military history both in Estonia and abroad and a wider circle of military history enthusiasts. The editor-in-chief of the publication is Toomas Hiio.

Table of contents:

Toomas Hiio

Vasilijus Safronovas
The War is not Over? On the Continuity and Discontinuity between the Great War and the War of Independence as Experienced by the Lithuanian Soldiers

Lars Erikson Wolke
Idealists or Adventurers? The Swedish volunteers in Estonia in 1919

Thomas Rettig
Pavel Bermondt-Avalov and the Formation of the West Russian Volunteer Army – Warlordism in the Baltic?

Khachatur Stepanyan
1921 February rebellion as a manifestation of Armenian war of independence

Toivo Kikkas
Field Courts Martial, the Cheka and Penal Policy in the Estonian War of Independence in 1918–1920

Ants Jürman
The White and Red Terror in the Eastern Part of Viru County in 1917–1919

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