Hõbetüdrukud / Silver Girls

Fotograafia retušeeritud ajalugu / Retouched History of Photography
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Доставка 1-3 рабочих дня
26,55 €
Обычная цена: 27,95 €
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Raamat koondab kümme varast naisfotograafi Eestist ja Lätist. Ent ajaloolise ülevaate andmise asemel on koostajate huvi keskmes unustatud ja kadunud kultuuripärandi roll. / The book brings together ten early women photographers from the geographical region of Latvia and Estonia. However, rather than a historical overview, the book is a loving look at the life and work of the assembled authors and cherishes the role that lost and forgotten heritage plays in culture. In order to showcase this heritage, the book feature works by three contemporary artists. These rely on the lost and the forgotten while proving that even though works of art can be physically destroyed, they still continue to influence our current culture. Manuscripts don’t burn and, thus, like ghosts, archives will continue to come back from the future to find somebody to talk to.
Доставка 1-3 рабочих дня
26,55 €
Обычная цена: 27,95 €
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