Female Fame

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Erika Hock kirjeldab oma töid kui struktuure, mis otsivad koostööd mõne teise teosega ning saavad seeläbi uue tähenduse. Raamat ilmus koos Hocki samanimelise näitusega Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marlis Saksamaal, kus kunstnik otsustas oma teoste kõrval eksponeerida muuseumi kollektsioonist ainult naiskunstnike teoseid sõjajärgsetest skulptuuridest kaasaegse kunsti teosteni. Oma valikutega juhib Erika Hock tähelepanu mees- ja naiskunstnike eksponeerimise ja kogumise ebavõrdsusele.

“Female Fame” by Erika Hock with works from the Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl collection by Myriam Bat-Yosef, Gerlinde Beck, Dorota Buczkowska, Ingrid Dahn, Anna Debska, Matschinsky-Denninghoff, Madeleine Dietz, Lena Henke, Rebecca Horn, Melanie Manchot, Anne Pöhlmann, Man Ray, Germaine Richier, Tisa von der Schulenburg, Brigitte Schwacke, Rosemarie Trockel, and Nico Joana Weber.

Hock describes some of her works as ‘hosting structures’ – structures that seek collaboration with another work and in this way can create something larger than themselves. Along the lines of working with found footage in film, she incorporates other works of art into her own work, creating something new in the process.

In “Female Fame”, Hock opted to include exclusively works by female artists from the collection at Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl, ranging from post-war sculpture to contemporary art. She thus draws attention to the structural imbalance in the presentation of male and female artists.
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