Purjelaevamudelid Eesti Meremuuseumi kogus/Sailing Ship Models in the Estonian Maritime Museum

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15,95 €
Regular price: 19,95 €
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EST: Kataloog annab esmakordselt nii üksikasjalike kujutistega ülevaate Eesti Meremuuseumi kogudes olevatest kodu- ja välismaiste meistrite valmistatud purjelaevamudelitest. Siin esitletute hulgas on nii Eesti kui ka muu maailma purjelaevu, mis on merekaubanduses olulist rolli mänginud või mille mudel on valmistatud silmapaistva meisterlikkusega.

EN: This catalogue covers the sailing ship models built by local and foreign craftsmen that are in the Maritime Museum collection, and is the first publication that gives such a detailed overview of the models. The collection includes sailing ships from Estonia and elsewhere in the world that have played an important role in the context of seaborne trade or represent excellence in model making.
Delivery 1-3 workdays
15,95 €
Regular price: 19,95 €
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